Yalova Üniversitesi Etkinlikleri

Mr. Behice Öznur BAŞARAN A Plaque Of Appreciation Was Presented To The Lady.

Mr. Behice Öznur BAŞARAN A Plaque Of Appreciation Was Presented To The Lady.

11/6/2019 2:00 PM First and Emergency Laboratory Etkinlik

Prof. Behice Öznur Başaran, who contributed to our students to receive better quality application education by donating materials to the First and Emergency Aid Laboratory of our Vocational School. Dr. Prof. Dr. Bülent Yiğit and Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences. Dr. Rabia Hacıhasanoğlu A plaque was presented by the vaccines. Mr. Başaran was informed about the activities of our school by visiting our campus and laboratories. Basaran expressed his happiness for his contribution to our school. We thank Mr. Başaran and wish him continued success in his working life.